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Grief Recovery Method

The Grief Recovery Method

An ACTION program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and other losses.

This is a results oriented program that teaches people a better way to find completion in their relationships that they have experienced loss. 

"Traditional" ways of dealing with death and loss don't give you ways of working through it and finding peace in your heart. People mean well but they usually don't know what to say when there is a loss. We might hear :

"Don't feel bad"

"You are strong"

"Be strong for others" 

"God would never give you more than you can handle"

"You will find someone else" (divorce or loss of a relationship)

"I know how you feel"

These traditional sayings don't give you tools to work your way through your situation, when these things are said we feel more alone and feel like we need to "hide" how we feel from others.

"Tools" others "give" us are usually not a path to peace rather it is a method of avoiding your feelings about the situation. for example: Working lots to distract yourself, Eating, Drinking and any other things that people will use as a distraction.

The Grief Recovery Method Gives you tools to work through your grief with support and guidance. These tools you can use on any other Loss you experience in your life.


Please Email or Text to set up a quick phone appointment to ask any questions or to confirm that you are eligible for this program.

Teresa Finkbeiner Grief Recovery Method Specialist



Information on the programs and how it works

Grief Recovery Method 

Is a 8 week program working on Zoom. 2 hr sessions. 

We work through the handbook, there will be a set amount of chapters to read through and homework to be done before our next session. This gives you the time to process what you have learned and process your feelings. 

You can sign up to be in a group environment or work 1 on 1 with me.




Helping Children with Loss

This Program is for Adults to help the children around them deal with Death, Divorce, Pet Loss, Moving, and other losses.

This program helps the child/ren learn a lifelong healthy response to loss.

In When Children Grieve, the authors offer a cutting edge method to free children from the false idea of "not feeling bad" and to empower them with positive, effective methods of dealing with loss. 

No matter the reason or degree of severity, if a child you love is grieving, the guidelines learned through this program can make a huge difference for the children in your life with life long tools for them to work through their losses in life.  

This is a 4 week program in a group setting on Zoom 2.5 hr sessions.

We work through the When Children Grieve book

There will be homework between sessions, reading a set amount of chapters, and doing your homework. 

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